perjantai 27. helmikuuta 2015

The Difference One Individual Can Make

''Schindler's list'' is an emotional movie directed by Steven Spielberg. The movie is an classic in the drama and history categories and it was premiered in USA 4th of February 1994. The movie tells an heartbreaking story about the Holocaust and follows the workers of an enamelware factory and it's owner Oskar Schindler. Liam Neeson performs one of his best acting roles as the charismatic and sympathetic Oskar Schindler.

What I liked in the movie was the incredibly good acting and beautiful camerawork. Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes and Ben Kingsley all were marvelous in their roles. Not only the characters were well acted, but the whole atmosphere of world war 2 and holocausts was implemented nicely. One thin that really is nice in the film that it's shot in black and white only expect one little girls jacket and blood which were red. If i had to say that one character was the most memorable it would be Ben Kingsleys, Itzhak Stern a Jewish accountant that greatly helped Schindler to run the enamelware company.

So to run it up one last time the movie is about German man who saw a business opportunity in holocaust but ended up saving many live's instead. Schindler's list is an classic that everybody should watch if you're even a bit interested in world war 2 or the holocaust.

Words 224

tiistai 24. helmikuuta 2015

Film Review pt. 2

 I watched one of the "Guardian film shows",where they talked about four movies: ''Selma'', ''Shaun the Sheep: The Movie'', ''Jupiter Ascending'' and ''The Interview''. ''Selma'' is the first film that centers around Martin Luther King, Jr. It's about the 3 Selma-Montgomery marches that occurred in 1965. ''Shaun the Sheep: The Movie'' is about a Sheep called Shaun that goes into ''the big city'' to rescue the Farmer, who gets lost after Shaun's mischief. ''Jupiter Ascending'' is sci-fi movie about an woman named Jupiter that finds out that she's the heir to an intergalactic empire, and she must save earth from destruction. The controversial movie ''The Interview'' is comedy based around an idea that 2 journalists go to interview and assassinate Kim Jong-Un.

I have seen ''The Interview''. It was hilarious in some parts like when they interview Eminem, or when James Francos character bonds whit Kim Jong-Un, but the movie had longer periods when you just maybe chuckle once in 30 minutes. That been said I really enjoyed the movie because it gave me good laughs.

kassamagneetti/jymymenestys = blockbuster  
lippumyymälä = box office
elokuvan näyttelijät = actors of the film
kriitikko = critic
ensiesiintyminen = debut
ohjaaja = director
päärooli = lead role
juoni = plot
ensi-ilta = premiere
julkaista = publish/release
kohtaus = scene
käsikirjoittaja = scriptwriter
jatko-osa = sequel
elokuvan musiikki = soundtrack
tekstitykset = subtitles
jännityselokuva = thriller

sunnuntai 22. helmikuuta 2015

Film Review

Luin elokuvasta ''Birdman'' arvostelun jonka kirjoitti Jonathan Romney, The Guardianin elokuva-arvostelu sivulta ( Romney kertoo lyhyesti elkouvan juonesta, näytteliöistä, ja kameratyöstä.

Romney kertoo elokuvan juonen perustat, ja kuka esittää ketäkin. Hän myös selittää hahmojen välisestä kemiasta. Romney oli hämmentynyt kuinka hienosti elokuvassa oli käytetty kameraa. Hän myös kirjoittaa että elokuva on katsomisen arvoinen.

Arvostelu oli kirjoitettu hyvin ja huumorilla. Romneyn käytti tekstissään kekseliäitä ilmaisuja, ja monimutkaista kieltä, tämä ei kuitenkaan tehnyt tekstistä hankalasti luettavaa.

I've actually been meaning to go to see Birdman, but just haven't got myself into it yet. The trailer, and the review both encourage me to go to watch the movie. Actors like Michael Keaton, Edward Norton, Zach Galifianakis, and Emma Stone in a dark comedy, what could actually go wrong? I hope nothing as i'm going to book myself time in my imagined calendar to watch this movie.

tiistai 10. helmikuuta 2015

Weeks worth of traveling.

If i had a chance to travel to any place in the world for just this week. I probably would want to travel to Istanbul, Turkey. I think it would be a cool experience, as I haven't been outside northern and central Europe ever before. In Istanbul there is mix of these fantastic historical cultural attractions like Topkapı Palace and Hagia Sophia, also in Istanbul there is more modern areas like beaches, and shopping centers.

Sunset at Hagia Sophia

Most important part why i would want to travel to Istanbul is the entertaining  football culture. Monday night Galatasaray S.K. will face Balıkesirspor in Türk Telekom Arena and i'd like to see how great is Galatasarays home fan base really is, as they are often referred as the most energetic football fans in the world.

Fans of Galatasaray S.K.

Also when you're thinking about your travel destination it's always good thing to think what you're going to eat. Turkeys food culture is relatively known and safe with dishes like kebabs and Turkish meatballs, but I think it's large enough for me to find something new and exiting + it's spicy.

An Introduction

Hello my name is Oiva and i'm 17 year old and i live in Helsinki, Finland. I'll be writing this blog for my English course, and I don't have previous experience in blog writing.

I guess you have my permission to follow and comment my writings.