tiistai 31. maaliskuuta 2015

Profile: Thierry Henry

''Sometimes in football you have to score goals.'' These are the wise words of Thierry Henry the most prolific striker in premier league history. Thierry Henry most known for his time at Arsenal, retired as a player in 2014 at the age of  36.

For me Henry is a special player because he is the top scorer in Arsenals history. Most Arsenal fans will remember Henry for his famous goal and celebration against Spurs. He ran length of the pitch to celebrate in front of booing Spurs fans. This celebration is so famous with Arsenal fans, that when they made a statue of Henry in front of Emirates Stadium, it was made in to this pose.

Thierry Henry is by far best non-British  player in Premier League history. Henry is liked by even other teams supporters because he's not only fantastic player, but also incredible person of the pitch, as he does charity work for foundations like UNICEF and Steve Nash Foundation 

Reading short novel.

The characters whit name are: Mary Maloney, Patrick Maloney, Sam, Jack Noonan and O'Malley. Patrick, Jack and O'Malley are police officers, Mary is Patrick's wife and Sam is a grocer. Mary kills Patrick in their own home and goes to the grocery store to get an alibi before calling the cops.


1. We are told about how Mary loves her husband and greets him happily when he comes home.
2. Mary is worried by the way Patrick is acting and Patrick tells her that he is leaving her.
3. Mary goes to the kitchen to get a frozen leg of lamb. She then hits Patrick to the back of the head with it killing him.
4. Mary goes to the grocer to get an alibi and goes back home and calls the police about the death of her husband.
5. The police interrogate Mary and find out nothing. They stay to investigate the crime scene and eat the lamb Mary used to kill Patrick with.


1. Patrick Maloney
2. Mary Maloney
3. A frozen leg of lamb
4. Mary fed it to the policemen
5."She loved to luxuriate in the presence of this man, and to feel - almost as a sunbather feels the sun - that warm male glow that came out of him to her when they were alone together. She loved him for the way he sat loosely in a chair, for the way he came in a door, or moved slowly across the room with long strides. She loved the intent, far look in his eyes when they rested on her, the funny shape of the mouth, and especially the way he remained silent about his tiredness, sitting still with himself until the whisky had taken some of it away."
6. "Of course I’ll give you money and see you’re looked after. But there needn't really be any fuss. I hope not anyway. It wouldn't be very good for my job."
7. Patrick was going to leave Mary, so Mary killed him. You can tell from when Patrick says"Of course I’ll give you money and see you’re looked after. But there needn't really be any fuss. I hope not anyway. It wouldn't be very good for my job."
8. Because they know each other.
9. Sam is the grocer.
11. They heard that Mary had a frozen leg of lamb and they could have thought of it since there was no other heavy weapon near.

Writing task:

I have to leave you Mary. The mafia is after me, because I have too much evidence on them. I also know that they usually don't go for the cops, but their families. So you'll have to go.

Meet the author

So I watched ''meet the author'' about Jonathan Edwards from Here.
Here is 5 question for you to answer.
1) What does he write?
2) What he has acknowledged as inspiration?
3) What does he think is interesting?
4) Where is the author from?
5) Who does the author want to read his poetry?

torstai 12. maaliskuuta 2015

One Question

There once was a boy called Jimmy. Jimmy was a great student. Jimmy went to a prestigious school because his parents were rich.
                      He was going to school in his car when his cellphone rings. It’s his friend Tyler calling, Tyler asks if Jimmy could pick him and his other friend from training. Jimmy says yes, and goes to pick up Tyler and his friend. When in the car he gets introduced to Tyrone who’s an exchange student. Jimmy promises that he could drive Tyrone back to home after school. When driving back, Tyrone asks a question that ruins Jimmys life: ‘’Do you smoke weed?’’ Jimmy thinks for little while, but doesn’t want to lose a friend so he says yes. He takes a hit from small joint Tyrone has taken out of zip bag he had, as a result he feels relaxation. The joint is only thing in his mind. He wants the same feeling of relaxation. He buys some weed from Tyrone. His parents catch him smoking. He’s going to rehab. He escapes and moves on to stronger drugs. He mugs a store and goes to jail. He can’t get a job anymore to get more drugs.
Now he’s dressed as a polar bear and he’s begging for money on the streets. Jimmy lives his life on the streets begging for drugs, and dies at the young age of 22. All this because of one joint when he could said no and maybe become something great. Moral of the story is to never do drugs.

Music News

So I did read three articles from The Telegraph. 1st article is about Sir Paul McCartneys new Tour. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/11453375/Sir-Paul-McCartney-announces-UK-tour.html).
2nd article is about Lil Wayne getting ''swatted''. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/11466546/Lil-Wayne-becomes-the-latest-victim-of-swatting.html).
3rd article was about Twitters reactions to the ''Blurred lines vs Got to Give it Up'' case (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/11463368/Blurred-Lines-vs-Got-to-Give-it-Up-Twitter-reaction.html).
I chose these articles because I knew the artists, and was interested.

1st article tells about Sir Paul McCartneys new tour that takes place in UK & Europe also it talks about 30th anniversary of  Yesterday. In the 2nd article they talk about this thing called ''swatting''. It's basically when somebody prank calls the police and tells something highly criminal is happening in some celebrities homes and then the police reacts and sends in a SWAT team in there. 3rd article is goes through Twitters reactions on the lawsuit where Pharrell Williams & Robin Thicke have to pay $7.3 million to Marvin Gayes children. Most tweets are serious but he finds few pretty fun tweets to the end.
laulujen sanat = lyrics
listaykkönen = chart topper
levy = record
levy-yhtiö = record label
keikka = gig
tarttuva biisi = catchy song
julkaista = publish
raita/kappale = track
sävel = tune
kieli/sointu = chord + strike a chord

tiistai 10. maaliskuuta 2015

My Song

I heard this song about 7-6 years ago, and I have liked it since. I can't really remember how I found this song. It has never been my favorite song, but unlike many other songs I've never gone bored with this one, and it always brings up good memories.
        Foo Fighters is an alternative rock band founded in 1994 in Seattle. It was founded by ex-Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl as his ''solo project'', but after his first album was released he grouped the band around him. The song ''Learn To Fly'' was released 1999 as an single. It has been one of the bands most successful songs. It got to number.13 in US Hot 100. Songs lyrics tell about getting inspired and trying to improve one's life. At least that's how I do interpret this song.

sunnuntai 8. maaliskuuta 2015

Visual Arts

Albert Edelfelt: Queen Bianca, 1877:
1) The painting depicts queen Blanka the Naumurian who lived in the 1300s and was married to Magnus Erik’s son, the king of Sweden-Finland and Norway.
2) The theme of the painting is based on a nursery rhyme by Zacharias Topelius.

Vincent van Gogh: Street in Auvers-sur-Oise, 1890:
1) Part of works he made in Auvers-sur-Oise
2) These works were one of hes last ones

Auguste Rodin: The Thinker, c. 1880, this cast 1964:
1) The Thinker was originally part of the compositional piece Rodin created as an entranceway for the proposed Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris
2) Thinker was originally intended to sit at the top of the door way and represent Dante.

Muodostelma = Formation
Tulkinnanvarainen = Ambiguous
Tilaus = Subscription
Tuki = Support
Huomio = Attention
Näköjään = Apparently
Vaihtoehtoisesti = Alternatively
Oikeastaan = Actually
Yhteisö = Community
Huomata = Notice
Palaute = Feedback
Vaihtoehto = Option
Automaattisesti = Automatically
Ehdotus = Suggestion
Jakso = Episode
Häpeä = Shame

lauantai 7. maaliskuuta 2015

Joshua Budich

My favorite artist is Joshua Budich. He does prints mostly about movies, TV-shows and celebrities. I like hes works because based from what I've seen we have same taste in movies an TV-shows, also he draws really clearly. Here are some of my favorite works of his. As you can see most my favorite pictures from him all focus on faces, but i like it because he's so meticulous with them and they are so accurate.

Print of ''The Anchorman''

Print of ''True Detective'' 

Print of '' Reservoir Dogs''

Portrait of Tupac Shakur 

Print of ''Twin Peaks'' 

sunnuntai 1. maaliskuuta 2015

Visual Arts HW

1.Ne ovat olleet näytillä
2.Maailman parhaat maalaukset ovat esillä uudessa jännittävässä näyttötilassa
3.Lähteä pyhiinvaellukselle
4.Parhaat gallerioiden nettisivut antavat sinulle helpon ja välittömän pääsyn henkeäsalpaavaan taiteeseen
5.Se ylpeilee puhtaalla ja selvällä käyttöliittymällä ja virheettömillä käännöksillä
6.Koristeelliset katot
7.Paistatella kunniotuksessa
8.Helmi, jossa Richard Hammilton kertoo hänen rakkaudestaa Goyaan. Syvällinen selostus antaa sinun päästä pidemmälle
9.Keskiaikainen kolmiosainen alttarimaalaus
10.Tate taidemuseo voi esitellä yhden maailman parhaista online taidekokoelmista
12.Täydennetty kuraattorin kierroksilla
13.Samansävyisiä töitä
14.Tarjoaa ennennäkemättömän pääsyn monille maailman hienoimmille taidekokoelmille

taidemuseo = artgalley
näytillä = on show
tapahtumapaikka = venue
taideteos = work of art
mestariteos = masterpiece
kokoelma = collection
valokuvaus = photography
ääniopas = voice guide
maalaus = painting
omakuva = self-portrait
veistos = sculpture
pronssi = bronze
kehystää = frame
piirrustus = drawing
öljyvärimaalaus = oil painting
maalari = painter
näyttely = exhibition
täydentää = supplement

perjantai 27. helmikuuta 2015

The Difference One Individual Can Make

''Schindler's list'' is an emotional movie directed by Steven Spielberg. The movie is an classic in the drama and history categories and it was premiered in USA 4th of February 1994. The movie tells an heartbreaking story about the Holocaust and follows the workers of an enamelware factory and it's owner Oskar Schindler. Liam Neeson performs one of his best acting roles as the charismatic and sympathetic Oskar Schindler.

What I liked in the movie was the incredibly good acting and beautiful camerawork. Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes and Ben Kingsley all were marvelous in their roles. Not only the characters were well acted, but the whole atmosphere of world war 2 and holocausts was implemented nicely. One thin that really is nice in the film that it's shot in black and white only expect one little girls jacket and blood which were red. If i had to say that one character was the most memorable it would be Ben Kingsleys, Itzhak Stern a Jewish accountant that greatly helped Schindler to run the enamelware company.

So to run it up one last time the movie is about German man who saw a business opportunity in holocaust but ended up saving many live's instead. Schindler's list is an classic that everybody should watch if you're even a bit interested in world war 2 or the holocaust.

Words 224

tiistai 24. helmikuuta 2015

Film Review pt. 2

 I watched one of the "Guardian film shows",where they talked about four movies: ''Selma'', ''Shaun the Sheep: The Movie'', ''Jupiter Ascending'' and ''The Interview''. ''Selma'' is the first film that centers around Martin Luther King, Jr. It's about the 3 Selma-Montgomery marches that occurred in 1965. ''Shaun the Sheep: The Movie'' is about a Sheep called Shaun that goes into ''the big city'' to rescue the Farmer, who gets lost after Shaun's mischief. ''Jupiter Ascending'' is sci-fi movie about an woman named Jupiter that finds out that she's the heir to an intergalactic empire, and she must save earth from destruction. The controversial movie ''The Interview'' is comedy based around an idea that 2 journalists go to interview and assassinate Kim Jong-Un.

I have seen ''The Interview''. It was hilarious in some parts like when they interview Eminem, or when James Francos character bonds whit Kim Jong-Un, but the movie had longer periods when you just maybe chuckle once in 30 minutes. That been said I really enjoyed the movie because it gave me good laughs.

kassamagneetti/jymymenestys = blockbuster  
lippumyymälä = box office
elokuvan näyttelijät = actors of the film
kriitikko = critic
ensiesiintyminen = debut
ohjaaja = director
päärooli = lead role
juoni = plot
ensi-ilta = premiere
julkaista = publish/release
kohtaus = scene
käsikirjoittaja = scriptwriter
jatko-osa = sequel
elokuvan musiikki = soundtrack
tekstitykset = subtitles
jännityselokuva = thriller

sunnuntai 22. helmikuuta 2015

Film Review

Luin elokuvasta ''Birdman'' arvostelun jonka kirjoitti Jonathan Romney, The Guardianin elokuva-arvostelu sivulta (http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jan/04/birdman-alejandro-gonzalez-inarritu-review-michael-keaton). Romney kertoo lyhyesti elkouvan juonesta, näytteliöistä, ja kameratyöstä.

Romney kertoo elokuvan juonen perustat, ja kuka esittää ketäkin. Hän myös selittää hahmojen välisestä kemiasta. Romney oli hämmentynyt kuinka hienosti elokuvassa oli käytetty kameraa. Hän myös kirjoittaa että elokuva on katsomisen arvoinen.

Arvostelu oli kirjoitettu hyvin ja huumorilla. Romneyn käytti tekstissään kekseliäitä ilmaisuja, ja monimutkaista kieltä, tämä ei kuitenkaan tehnyt tekstistä hankalasti luettavaa.

I've actually been meaning to go to see Birdman, but just haven't got myself into it yet. The trailer, and the review both encourage me to go to watch the movie. Actors like Michael Keaton, Edward Norton, Zach Galifianakis, and Emma Stone in a dark comedy, what could actually go wrong? I hope nothing as i'm going to book myself time in my imagined calendar to watch this movie.

tiistai 10. helmikuuta 2015

Weeks worth of traveling.

If i had a chance to travel to any place in the world for just this week. I probably would want to travel to Istanbul, Turkey. I think it would be a cool experience, as I haven't been outside northern and central Europe ever before. In Istanbul there is mix of these fantastic historical cultural attractions like Topkapı Palace and Hagia Sophia, also in Istanbul there is more modern areas like beaches, and shopping centers.

Sunset at Hagia Sophia

Most important part why i would want to travel to Istanbul is the entertaining  football culture. Monday night Galatasaray S.K. will face Balıkesirspor in Türk Telekom Arena and i'd like to see how great is Galatasarays home fan base really is, as they are often referred as the most energetic football fans in the world.

Fans of Galatasaray S.K.

Also when you're thinking about your travel destination it's always good thing to think what you're going to eat. Turkeys food culture is relatively known and safe with dishes like kebabs and Turkish meatballs, but I think it's large enough for me to find something new and exiting + it's spicy.

An Introduction

Hello my name is Oiva and i'm 17 year old and i live in Helsinki, Finland. I'll be writing this blog for my English course, and I don't have previous experience in blog writing.

I guess you have my permission to follow and comment my writings.